Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Above Ground Winter Covers

What about those winter covers for above ground says it has a 7 or 10 year warranty?

I have to tell ya, the winter covers for above ground pools that I have seen are bad and worse as far as quality.  I have called them "glorified trash bags" more than once.

Unfortunately, we need covers for our above grounds each winter and I have not found any better way to cover an above ground pool than the winter cover with a cable and winch.  Unless you have a deck around your above ground, then you can put a nice Loop Loc cover on it - with anchors into the deck.  WOW!  That will last a very long time.

The above ground covers generally come with a 7 or 10 year warranty.  The manufacturer normally deals directly with the consumer for a warranty claim and they usually cover "workmanship" and not tears caused from wind or by our ingenuity in ways that we tie those rascals to the ground so they don't take off like big balloons in Kansas in the winter!  :) 

The covers with less than a 7 year warranty are so lightweight, they may not even last the first winter.  A cover with a 7 year warranty, generally I would expect to last a couple of years and a 10 year warranty slightly longer.  It does help if you do your best to take care of the cover.  Some folks put a pillow under the center and run water around the edge to help hold them down.  In the spring, when you take the cover off, use a good winter cover cleaner - like Stow Away from BioGuard.  It'll get that cover clean and then squirt the rest of the bottle on the cover and fold it up.  The Stow Away will keep mildew from growing on the cover and it'll be in great shape for next year's closing.

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